
“आमाका चुराको गीत “- Word Warriors Nepal

आमाका चुराको गीत, a poem presented by Samip Dhungel at an event held by Word Warriors Nepal. There are plenty of poems to look up to and get inspired by, while we watch it through Word Warriors Nepal on YouTube. As you listen to it, you could feel the emotional touch behind it and relate to it as well.

In this poem, you can relate the words to the household of a typical Nepali person. On, how you start your day  hearing the bangles on your mother’s hand as she works in the morning, even when she comes to wake you up, you can smell the milk in her hands which she had just gotten it from the milk-man and how the day follows by. Wouldn’t want to write all about it here, you need to listen to the poem below to feel each and every words as he speaks with great enthusiasm.

These are the few lines that got me to laugh, think and wonder.

  •  मैले सुनेको थियो मिर-मिरे को चिर-बिरे गीत चाराको होइन चुराको हुँदै गर्छ
  • त्यो अलार्मको बत्तेरी, मेरी आमा
  • आज पनि कुम्भकर्णलाई जित्ने मेरो सपना भोलिलाई…
  • हिजो आज त घरमा धुवा भनेको.. कहिले कहिँ मेरो कोठाबाट अनि बाबा को सुर्य classic र आमा को ७-स्तर अगरबत्ती बाहेक कत्तैबाट निस्किन्दैन
  • मैले भने देउतालाई बन्दा मान्छेलाई नमस्ते ठोके कति रमाइलो लाग्छ
  • हातका सुन्दर सुन्दर कडीहरु; हातका कडीहरु,हातका कडीहरु,हातका कडीहरु,…. , हत्कदिहरु..
  • हाम्रा घर एक्क एक चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज बन्छ, अनि हात्तीहरु चहल पहलको साथ घर भित्र पस्छन
  • बेरोजगार..If there are any lines that got you stuck, do mention it in the comment section below. I have stated this being a morning of a typical nepali person, but there are others as well, and their morning might not be the same, but there would still have some similar kind of flow in it. Please feel free to share how your morning goes. As for me, I am one of the others. This isn’t exactly how it works in my house, but listening to it, I could imagine and feel each and every steps of his morning and it felt very pleasing.
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Written by Dorjee Khando

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