We all know many stories about Gorkhali Army’s exceptional courage and outrageous bravery. We have accumulated seven names who are perhaps the bravest to received the world’s most valuable honor Victoria Cross. Therefore we have included some names of bravest one even from history. Moreover, this article is not based on ranking chronologically from 1 to 7 because we don’t want to compare their great deeds and courage because each and every one of them is astounding
Tuljung Gurung
Tuljung Gurung is from Royal Gurkha Rifles, a rifleman, who was assigned on guard duty at the front gate of Patrol Base Sparta in Nahr-eLance Corporal. During the patrolling Gurung saw a bomb leap off the sangar’s roof and fall beside him, he got shot and at the time some of the bullets were hitting his helmet. The unconscious Gurung managed to throw the grenade coming towards him but the blast peppered the sangar with fragmentation which resulted in knocking him off his feet.

After the blast, he faced the enemy in one and one battle which he describes as
I saw him face-to-face,” said Lance Corporal Tuljung Gurung. “He was quite a lot bigger than me and wearing thick clothing. He was so close I didn’t get a chance to swing my rifle and injure him, but I suddenly realized I had my kukri knife in my osprey, so I took it out and started to hit him with it
With his kukuri, he dismissed several enemies and his bravery contribute a major role to defend the Patrol Base Sparta in Nahr-His during the battle. On 2014 he was invited to Buckingham Palace where he was honored by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh with Victoria cross.
Lachhiman Gurung
Rifleman Lachhiman Gurung is another milestone of Gorkali pride. He was in a world war-2 in 1945 when 200 Japanese troops opened fire on Gurung. Lachhiman Gurung was at a bunker with two other soldiers and at the time his comrades were shot. Mr.Gurung found that Japanese soldiers were bombing at his bunker, so he decides to scrap the incomings bombs.

In doing so, he threw two incoming grenades but the third bomb detonated in his right hand. Gurung was severely wounded but finds a way to fire with his uninjured hand to protect his bunker and comrade. And as the firing started in his pit, he aims the rifle with his left hand, and evidently, during the fight, he manages to take down 31 Japanese troops and held the position until the rescue get over.
Dipparsad Pun
Dipparsad Pun Born in Bima, Nepal Dipparsad Pun is the Nepalese Sergent from 1st Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, and famous for his bravery during the Afganistan war where he single-handedly took down 30 Taliban. It was 17 September 2010, he was on sentry duty and guarding his unit’s compounds at the checkpoint. It was dark when Talabians pursued planting bombs and mines around the Dipparsad’s post. Taliban started a plan to take over the checkpoint after they found that Dipparsad Pun is the only one who is guarding the compound.

Then after they did attack immediately in the hope to conquer the post easily. Taliban were loaded with grenade, AK-47s, and RPGs. Being alone Sergeant Pun thought that he was about to die, so he decided to kill as many of the enemies as possible before he got killed
Then after he informed his commander on the radio and started to launch a grenade at the Talibanes. In the dark, he tackled the enemy head-on as he moved around his position to fend off the attack from three sides and by doing so he killed three of them which causes the others to flee. Sargent Pun engagement at the battlefield led him to spend all his ammunition by firing 400 rounds, he used 17 hand grenades along with Claymore mine and killed all Talibanes.
Captain Rambahadur Limbu
Captain Rambahadur Limbu was born in Yangrop Thum, Nepal. He was a 2nd Battalion, 10th Princess Mary’s Own Gurkha Rifles who fought against the war in Battle of Bau, Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation. At the age of 26, he was recruited in 2nd battalion. Meanwhile, with his 16 Gurkhali soldiers when marched down in a wild to take down 30 Indonesians holding a position on the top of a hill. Mr, Limbu went forward in a woods with two men and as they reached within the 10 yards of enemy’s land, he and his men faced open fire from a machine gun.

Immediately, Rambahadur managed to throw a grenade into the pit from where they were firing machine guns but still, he and his men were under fire. The two side gun firing causes his two soldiers injured. Moreover, in the battleground of gun firing and land full of grenades, Rambahadur sucessfully drags his injured soldiers in the safe zone. And after that, he returns into the battle zone where the rest of the soldiers were already struggling. However, Just with the help of cover fire he rushed up the hill and took the other man down alone, and destroyed his enemy position completely with fire and flames and returned miraculously to the base. He had been subjected to intense danger for 20 minutes, however, he fights for more than an hour alone at enemy’s camp.
Karanbahadur Rana
Late Mr. Karanbahadur Rana was a Nepalese Gurkha recipient of the victoria cross in the first world war. He prevailed, with a few other soldiers in a heavy fight, and with a Lewis weapon, they intended to employ an opponent’s machine weapon. But that caused severe injury to his battalion. However, Late Mr. Karanbahadur Rana with his Lewis pistol he took down the man who was firing a machine gun, and he alone silenced the enemy machine-gun.

Karanbahadur Rana enabled his company to Lieutenant Frederick Barter, who had been lying within 30 yards of the machine gun for five and a half hours. Then he went on to hold the machine gun position despite heavy fire and bombing from all sides. He holds the trigger and fire until the enemy was destroyed. Fiercely, he kept his gun in action and displayed a very high standard of valor and devotion to duty. And probably around 1918, he was honored with Victoria cross.
Tul Bahadur Pun
Tul Bahadur Pun a Nepalese Gurkha recipient of the Victoria cross. He has achieved an Honorary Lieutenant position along with the 10 other medals and awards including the Burma Star. At the battlefield with Japan, he killed four-man with no ammunition and 10 by khukuri, and with the flamethrower, he killed nearly 30 Japanese in a dugout.

Probably, he is the only Gurkhali to have a cup of tea with present queen Elizabeth. On 20 April 2011, after suffering severe respiratory ailments, Pun died unexpectedly in his home village Myagdi, Nepal. Mr.Pun’s name is inscribed on the roof of an arched memorial stand at the Memorial Gates, at Constitution Hill, London. Pingat Jasa Malaysia, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Army)
Kulbir Thapa Magar
Kulbir Thapa Magar is considered as the first Nepalese Gurkhali to get honored with Victoria Cross. He was in the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra’s Own Gurkha Rifles. On 25 September 1915 in Fauquissart, France, he saved a 20-year-old soldier from Melton Mowbray goes by the name of Bill Keightley. In Urgency to save him, he stayed with the wounded man all day and night.

Early next day, in misty weather, he dragged him through the German wire, within spitting distance from the Germans, and, leaving him in a place of comparative safety, and brought in two wounded Gurkhas, one after the other. Later on for his good deeds and bravery, he received the Victoria cross. He died on 3 October 1956.