The outbreak of COVID–19 is something that has equally affected the world. The ongoing consequences of Coronavirus are not measurable because it has immensely ruined the world’s economy and the people’s lives as well. Similarly in Nepal, over 90% of the economic activities have been devastated. According to experts, the unemployment rate is over 11.4 percent, and the potential labor force was even higher at 39.3 percent. The government of Nepal has declared national GDP has sharply fallen 2.3% in the fiscal year 2019-2020.
Every aspect of life is affected due to the Covid-19 outbreak, however, there are still some economic parts of the nation that seem to be booming due to the outbreak. There are several business models and manufacturing companies that are getting a high level of revenue due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The emerging business which is booming is generally a young startup. Nevertheless, there are also some traditional types of business which are emerging due to COVID-19. Therefore in this article, we will discuss some major business and start-up which are emerging due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
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Online Delivery Services
Several online business trends are rising rapidly in Nepal these days and delivery services are one of them. Moreover, e-commerce has recently added a whole new layer to delivery services. And it’s the emerging company in Nepal even in the time of Covid19. Over the years, delivery service providing companies has seen progress with the rising number of online start-ups in Nepal. And this field of the industry appears to arise even in periods such as the COVID 19 pandemic.

Mask Factories
The Covid-19 epidemic reminds us of the significances of masks in our everyday lives. The mask is by far the only tested way to protect yourself from being infected by the COVID-19 virus. The market for the mask is huge in the world. The market for the mask is incredibly high in Nepal, too. Many in-house factories manufacture masks to address demand on the market. Health experts claim, that Nepal also rushes to purchase face masks as it became the center of the epidemic.

The absence of masks in the Nepalese market is obviously visible. But those who are still producing mask in Nepal is getting high sales as well as high revenue. . And moreover, it’s the emerging company in Nepal because of Covid19 outbreak.
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Social Media Marketing
The basic way of promoting enterprises and services on the web is social media marketing. As the outbreak begins, people purchase much of their products over the internet. Social media marketing offers consumers information about unique goods and services. Consequently, most company owners advertise on the Internet about their products and services.

Meanwhile, Social media marketing industries have been able to attract several consumers willing to offer their goods online by selling them. Everybody wants to sell their goods online in Nepal, so most company owners hire social media marketers to extend their companies. Therefore, in this pandemic, social media marketing has now become a high-income industry field with any denying.
Sanitizer Production Companies
The selling of hand sanitizers is on rising around Nepal. There is currently significant demand in the Nepalese market for hand sanitizers. And like a mask, the marketplace has a lack of hand sanitizers. However, several small and medium-sized companies are emerging with their new hand sanitizing goods as a golden opportunity. The COVID-19 epidemic has greatly raised the market for hand sanitizers and the people who are in the industry have strong revenues.

However, several cases surrounding the sale of lower quality hand sanitizers. This has proven that consumers are vulnerable to buying those items. Two weeks ago, a study at the NAST showed that approximately 45% of hand sanitation goods sold at the local market are not fit for use. And these firms are taken down by the state police however, overall it is clear that the pandemic has given a spark to the sanitizer industry.
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Online Payment Service
Although no international online payment systems are available in Nepal currently. However, domestic online payment services are being launched in Nepal such as Esewa and Khalti. Today people will pay their electrical bill and water bill, book different activities and even use these sites for different purchases. Thus, this field may have also arisen due to the epidemic and Nepalese has been using these kinds of services in their daily lives.

People used this website to pay their bills in these. Officials have pointed out that online payment is as relevant as services offered by other financial institutions. In addition, people have also taken advantage of the online payment network to load and pass money.
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