Mahabharat Range consists of the Terai region of Nepal and it is also known as the lower Himalayan range. Mainly Inner Terai Valleys which is also known as the “bhitri Terai ” in the Nepali language. Mahabharat range is enclosed by the Sivalik Hills from the southern part and includes astounding terai duar savanna and grasslands ecoregion.
Moreover, Mahabharat range has a major portion of Virgin land where the proper research and findings on its flora and fauna has not been extensively studying yet. Currently, Mahabharat range or Churia hill is under the protection of the Nepal Army.
It is believed that due to the collision of the Indian Sub-continent with Eurasia, the range was began to form about 50 million years ago. Mahabharat range offers you to behold some amazing nature view, it’s paranomic green hill will definitely mesmerize you. The topography of this range supports the life for many rare species and the region of Mahabharat range like Terai considered as one of the most fertile lands in a whole country.

It runs from the east to the west part of Nepal. Mahabharat Range is also coined as the Lower Himalayan Range. It lies at the north of the Siwalik range and south of high Himalayan Range.
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For instance, the most prevalent ethnic group in the Mahabharat range is the Hindus, called Paharis in the local language, mostly upper Brahman and Kshatriya Castes. However, Lower terrain south of the escarpment was historically malarial and apparently inhabited by aboriginal peoples with evolved immunity, notably the Tharu and Maithili people.

The Terai zone, which covers approximately 64 percent of the total land area, is situated around the Mahabharat range, which is closely parallel to the Churia range. This range is between 1.525 and 4.877 meters above sea level and 16 km long. It has a synclinal structure and steep and jagged geography.
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Forests are typically located on higher altitudes, while the lower and gentler slopes are used to plant terraces. Mahabharat ranges offer a succession of beautiful and relatively well-managed national parks such as Sukla Phanta national park, Bardia National Park, Chitwan, and Koshi Tappu National Park.
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