The pandemic has hit badly in Nepal. The overall economy has been collapsed during this lockdown. Every single Nepali is the victim of Covid-19 one way or another. The infected people due to Coronavirus are in the raise. And along with COVID-19, dengue and scrub typhus are also in the rise in Nepal.
Overall we can say that the health sector of Nepal is currently in the worst condition. In recent months, there were thousands of cases of dengue and scrub typhus in all over Nepal. Most of the hospitals have mentioned the rising cases of dengue and scrub typhus in all over the nation. Moreover, there is no decrease even in COVID-19 cases in the country so far.
Affected Places of Nepal By Scrub Typhus And Dengue
On Sept 26 in Chitwan, the number of people suffering from scrub typhus and dengue were increased. Within the two months, 69 people were infected by scrub typhus and 24 by dengue. Between Shrawan and Bhadau 345 people were infected with these diseases. Similarly in the Myagdi district of Nepal, within five months the district has recorded 64 cases of dengue fever and 43 of scrub typhus.
Eventually, these diseases hit Kaski with 20, Lamgunj with 10, Syangja with four, Nawalparasi with three, Baglung with two and Parbat, and Gorkha with at least one case each. All of these areas of Nepal already affected by the novel coronavirus and now they are struggling to survive with the additional two diseases.
According to Gorkha district Doctor, these viral diseases have been diagnosed in people without any travel history in remote villages as well. Nevertheless, areas like Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur also seen the rising number of Scrub typhus and dengue.
Also Read: World Bank Provides $100 million to Improve Electricity Sector Of Nepal & To Boost COVID-19 Recovery
What Is Scrub Typhus And Dengue?
Dengue fever is a mosquito-transmitted infectious disease. Symptoms normally start 3-14 days after infection. High fever, fatigue, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, and a typical skin rash can be reported. Similarly, scrub typhus is a disease caused by a bacteria known as Orientia tsutsugamushi, also known as bush typhus. Scrub typhus is transmitted to humans through bites of infected mites.

Fever, fatigue, physical pain, and occasionally rashes are the most common signs of scrub typhus. Or we can also say that Scrub typhus is a condition caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi, a bacterium that spreads by bites of infected larval mites (chiggers) . The signs of Scrub typhus high fever, rashes, the ache of the stomach, and jaundice.
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